Saturday, November 3, 2012

NaNoWriMo Day 3 (and Post Card #1)

Two pieces of exciting news today (that are writing related...)!

1) I made it to 6,000 words today!!
2) I am doing a post card swap with 3 other NaNoWriMoers. Yesterday afternoon, I got my first post card from the swap!

Some wise words from Yoda (well, actually, from jazzaholic17).

Isn't it pretty? Thank you, fellow novelist!

Okay, here are the stats for today:

Total word count goal for the day: 5,000 words
Total word count at the end of the day: 6,038
Words ahead: About 1,038
5,000th word: to (I know. Boring.)

Thanks for the continued support fellow friends and family! I have several friends doing NaNo this year. I hope they're having as much fun as I am :D 

Other non-writing exciting news: I participated in two competitions today. One was like a how to cook show and the other one was like Iron Chef America. I won second place in the first competition and first place in the second competition (haha!). So it was a pretty insane day. I woke up at 6:15 to write, went to the competitions from 8:30-3:30. Then I campaigned tonight from about 4:00-8:30. Going to bed right now and will be up again tomorrow at 6:00 for more writing, church, and then campaigning. Busy, busy! But you know what they say: busy people still have time to write ;) So write I shall! 

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